Courageous Teen Vows to Keep Winning Battle with Gullaine Barre Syndrome by Dr Navin Tiwari

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Courageous Teen Vows to Keep Winning Battle with Gullaine Barre Syndrome by Dr Navin Tiwari

Treatment of GBS in Indore


Rohit a 14 year school boy came from a middle class family from Khandwa district. Two week back he had fever, sore throat and loose motions and he was diagnosed as viral infection by his family physician. Five days back he developed severe pain in legs and low backache, he was treated locally but not releaved. Suddenly one morning he noticed that he had difficulty in moving his legs. Again he was consulted by his physician and received some medication but not relieved. Over the period of next two days his weakness progressed to involve all four limbs. He was rushed to Asian neuro centre, Indore to consult Dr.Navin tiwari, neurologist and director Asian neuro centre Indore. He thoroughly evaluated and diagnosed him as a case of GBS (guillaine barre syndrome).

Treatment of GBS in Indore

Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), a rare neurological disorder in which a person’s peripheral nerves are attacked (instead of protected) by the immune system. Its onset can be spectacularly swift, causing muscle weakness, a loss of reflexes, numbness or tingling in parts of the body, and even paralysis. According to Dr.Navin tiwari, DM,Neurology, who has treated rohit , he had an unusually, extremely difficult and life-threatening case of GBS that affected his entire body.
“In severe cases, GBS may involve arm function, head and face movements, and even breathing,” explained Dr. tiwari“ And that’s what happened to rohit.”

Initially diagnosed at Asian neuro centre Indore with GBS, Rohit – by now, suffering paralysis from his feet up to his eyes – was quickly transferred to a nearby hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). With Rohit unable to breathe on his own, doctors quickly intubated connected him to a ventilator.

For the next 10 days , he stayed in the PICU, immobile and fed through a feeding tube. He could only communicate with medical staff and his family by blinking his eyes.
“At first, we didn’t understand the severity. I just thought the doctors would treat him, and then we’d just be in the hospital for a couple of days,” recalled Rohit mother Smt Vandana. “We didn’t know it was going to keep getting worse and worse and worse.”

When Rohit was stable enough to transfer to ward for Rehabilitation, he could barely move, talk or feed himself. For nearly a month, he endured countless rounds of speech, physical, recreational and occupational therapy – determined to regain his life.

Slowly, painfully, Rohit improved – bolstered by his family,

Finally, using just a walker, he was able to go home, return to school and live a different but happy life. Rehab continues, three days a week, and so does Rohit ’s dream to get back on the field one day.

“You just have to look on the bright side of everything,” Rohit said. “Don’t ever think you are going to be defeated.”

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) has become a common disease nowadays due to various infections and unless an early intervention is made, it might lead to serious complications and even death (mortality rate is 10 to 20 per cent).Proper diagnosis has to be done with the help of a ‘high index of clinical suspicion’.

Only a timely intervention in progressive phase of GBS would save patients from permanent physical disabilities. Most patients completely recover in a few months. Asian neuro centre is a well equiped and dedicated centre for diagnosing GBS.


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