Keeping His Promise By Creating an Awareness in A Fight Against Epilepsy – Dr Navin Tiwari, Consulting Neurologist & Director Asian Neuro Centre, Indore

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Keeping His Promise By Creating an Awareness in A Fight Against Epilepsy – Dr Navin Tiwari, Consulting Neurologist & Director Asian Neuro Centre, Indore

Keeping His Promise By Creating an Awareness in A Fight Against Epilepsy – Dr Navin Tiwari, Consulting Neurologist & Director Asian Neuro Centre, Indore
Dedicated to the Art and Science of Modern Neurology and Creating An Awareness in Fight Against Epilepsy. Dr Navin Tiwari

Whether it comes to Creating Awareness Regarding Management of Epilespy amongst Family Physicians or Screening of Patients Suffering from Epilepsy Our Dedicated Team is a Front Leader under Leadership of Dr Navin Tiwari when it comes to a Social Cause.

Such was 21st july , Saturday when we conducted a Camp to treat Patients suffering from Epilepsy in A Beautiful Town On The Bank Of River Narmada BARWAH Along With A CME On Recent update on management of epilepsy. Asian neuro centre Indore take this opportunity to Felicitate the senior family physician who are giving their services for a long time to suffering humanity. Asian neuro centre salute the dedication and feeling with which these noble doctors are serving there.
Dr navin tiwari One of the Leading Neurologist from Indore and A Renowned & Prominent Epileptologist in Vicinity of Malwa Region along with the Leading Physicians took pledge to Create Awareness and Fight Against epilespy.
We Care We Contribute We Do We Educate We Change
We Add Smiles to Faces

#Treatment of epilepsy in Indore
#Dr Navin Tiwari neurologist indore
#talk at barwah indore
#asian neuro centre indore
# neurologist for treatment of epilepsy in indore

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