STROKE or Cerebrovascular accident(CVA)

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STROKE or Cerebrovascular accident(CVA)

why i m writing this blog because as a neurologist its my moral n social responsibility to create awareness about early detection and treatment of stroke.
I feel sometimes bad because eventhough medical science has progressed alot in neurological field we have failed to aware the mass about early detection and treatment of stroke. From an illetrate to a well educated person every body knows the early symptoms of “Heart attack”(Myocardial infarction) and they rush their patient to the nearby hospital knowing that there is an injection (streptokinase ) if his patient will recieve with in 3-4.5hrs, he will be saved.
Why not this kind of awareness and urgency can be created for stroke and this thought only made me to write this blog. My small contributions could make a difference in someones life.
Remember FAST
FAST is an acronym used as a mnemonic to help detect and enhance responsiveness to the needs of a person having a stroke. The acronym stands for
F -Facial drooping,
A-Arm weakness,
S-Speech difficulties T-Time to call emergency services.
Pls rush the pateint to the nearest hospital with in 4.5hrs with above symptoms, so that he may be managed accordingly, if it is ischemic stroke, he could be thrombolysed by Alteplase injection and that will help him in his recovery.

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