Is Migraine Genetic? – Asian Neuro Centre

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What is Migraine?

Migraines are really bad headaches that can make you feel sick and sensitive to light and sound. They can last for hours or even days and can stop you from doing things you like.

Sometimes, if one of your parents has migraines, you might get them too. This is because there are some genes related to migraines that can be passed down from parents to children. 

They can be so bad that they make it hard to do regular stuff. But it’s not only about genes. Things like stress, not eating right, changes in sleep patterns, and even certain foods can trigger migraines. So even if you have the genes for migraines, you might not get them if you avoid triggers.

Is migraine genetic? - Asian Neuro Centre

Is Migraine Genetic?

While genes play a big part, they’re not the only thing that causes migraines. Things like stress, not eating right, changes in sleep patterns, and even certain foods can trigger migraines.

So even if you have the genes for migraines, you might not get them if you avoid triggers. Changes in this gene might also make people more prone to migraines.

Yes, migraines can be genetic, meaning they can run in families. But it’s not just about genes – it’s also about how we live and the things around us. Migraines can be genetic and run in families, they’re also affected by other things in our lives.

Understanding both the genes and triggers can help us manage migraines better. However, not everyone with a family history of migraines will get them.

Some people find relief from anti-nausea medications or drugs that target migraine symptoms specifically. Lifestyle changes like managing stress, getting enough sleep, and regular exercise can also help prevent migraines.

In some cases, doctors may recommend preventive medications to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.

Dr. Navin Tiwari
Consulting Neurologist

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