Now Maheshwar and Mandleshwar Joined Hand with Renowned Neurologist and Epileptologist Dr Navin Tiwari, In His “fight Against Epilepsy”.

Specialized “Pain Clinic” A New Hope for Patient with Intractable Pains: Dr Navin Tiwari, Renowned Neurologist, Indore
January 18, 2019
January 18, 2019
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Now Maheshwar and Mandleshwar Joined Hand with Renowned Neurologist and Epileptologist Dr Navin Tiwari, In His “fight Against Epilepsy”.

In an awareness programme at religious capital of Malwa Maheshwar and Mandleshwar ,DR NAVIN TIWARI RENOWNED NEUROLOGIST AND EPILEPTOLOGIST OF Indore said epilepsy is a social stigma that persist even now in developing countries like India. He called upon society to create awareness against epilepsy and to develop such an environment so that epileptic patient come out on their own for their treatment. At this occasion a camp was organised by Asian Neuro Centre , Indore where about 200 epileptic patient were seen and treatment was advised. This programme was attended by nearly 80 doctors of Maheshwar, Mandleshwar , Dhamnod and surrounding Area.
Dr NavinTiwari was felicitated by the doctors and people of Mandleshwar and Maheshwar

#neurologist in Indore
#Epilepsy treatment in indore
#epilpesy camp in indore
#epillepsy clinic in indore
Dr navin tiwari, neurologist in indore

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