Parkinson’s disease, a neurological disorder, is responsible for movement difficulties in certain people. Many typical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include tremor, sluggishness; stiffness; instability; and difficulty with balance and coordination. The disease is considered to be incurable. Most people can generally maintain a reasonable level of health with the help of medications.
Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease signs and symptoms appear one by one over time. When they first begin, they may experience a tremor in one hand and stiffness throughout their body. Dementia and other symptoms can develop over time, and some people never fully recover.

Parkinson’s disease early warning signs include:
- The presence of tremors or other abnormalities in movement
- Impairments in coordination and balance can lead to mishaps like dropping objects or falling over.
- A diminished ability to smell
- When walking, a person’s gait changes and they lean forward slightly or shuffle their feet.
- Altered nerve control over the face muscles causes fixed facial expressions.
- Toning down or softening one’s voice
- Smaller and more crowded handwriting
- Restless legs syndrome and other causes of insomnia
- It appears that having a problem with rapid eye movement sleep is a strong predictor of depression, according to research published in 2015.
Diet to follow in Parkinson’s Disease
The major diet plan for Parkinson’s Disease are:
- Limit sugar consumption. A diet with plenty of sugar might contain too many calories and too few nutrients. It can also contribute to tooth decay.
- Reduce salt and sodium intake to help lower your risk of high blood pressure.
- Incorporate foods strong in antioxidants (which are crucial for overall brain health) into your diet. These include vividly colorful and dark fruits and vegetables.
- Balance the meals you eat with physical exercise.
- Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol to lower your risk of heart attack and some forms of cancer and to help you maintain a healthy weight.
- Maintain a healthy weight to minimize chances of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, some malignancies, and common forms of diabetes. Your doctor can help you establish what a healthy weight means for you.
Exercise and its type required in Parkinson’s Disease
A planned, structured, and repetitive activity, such as working out, is meant to help people become more physically fit. For people with Parkinson’s disease, there is no “correct” form of exercise. Because everyone is different, there will be differences in everyone’s regimen. Any form of exercise is beneficial, and a wide range of exercises can provide a more well-rounded experience. Yet, few forms of exercise are always suggested. Some of which includes,
- Aerobic exercise
- Strength training
- Flexibility training
- Balance and agility training
- Dancing.
- Gardening.
- Golfing.
- No-contact boxing.
- Water aerobics.
- Tai chi, yoga, or Pilates.
Asian Neuro Centre is one of the largest and most experienced practices in Indore where the best & experienced neurologist is skilled in dozens of specialties, working to ensure quality care and successful recovery.
Dr. Navin Tiwari
Consulting Neurologist