Migraine and Headache Awareness Month 2022 – Asian Neuro Centre

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Migraine and Headache Awareness Month 2022 – Asian Neuro Centre

June is observed as the month of Migraine and Headache Awareness Month. This month acknowledges and commemorates the headache and migraine communities for their tireless efforts to have headache disorders recognized as valid neurological diseases. It also advises people suffering from migraines or chronic headaches to seek medical help for a thorough diagnosis and treatment. Its goal is to spread awareness amongst people who are suffering from headaches about the many treatments available.

History of Migraine and Headache Awareness

The national institute of neurological diseases and Blinds published “Classification of headaches” in 1962, which was a significant step forward in the definition of headache criteria.

Headache clinics were extremely uncommon around the turn of the 20th century. The first Montefiore Headache Unit was established in New York in 1945 by Arnold Friedman and Dr, Diamond founded the national headache foundation in 1970 as well. Since then, the organization has become a major player in the field of headaches, with a nationwide network of patient support groups.

Migraine and Headache Awareness Month - Asian Neuro Centre

How to observe Migraine and Headache Awareness Month

  • Become a campaign volunteer: Many organizations run campaigns for which volunteers are needed. Volunteer and contribute to the cause. People can also take part in fundraising events.
  • Tell us about your experience: if you suffer from migraines or any other type of headaches, tell us about it and how it makes you feel. Assist people who are suffering from these situations in realizing that they are not alone.

Why Migraine and Headache Awareness Month is Important?

  • It helps to spread the message: Migraine and Headache Awareness Month raises awareness and legitimizes the terrible realities of these disorders. It puts the patients’ issues to the forefront.
  • It encourages search endeavors: During Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, the international headache academy and other organizations run several activities to engage young people in the topic.
  • It motivates people: This awareness urges those who are suffering from migraines and headaches to seek medical attention. There are new therapies available that can really be beneficial.

Dr. Naveen Tiwari
Director & Consulting Neurologist
Asian Neuro Center

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