headache specialist doctor in indore

October 13, 2021
A Headache Specialist Doctor is a Neurologist

A Headache Specialist Doctor is a Neurologist – Dr. Navin Tiwari

A neurologist is a headache specialist doctor who treats the medical disorders that happen in the body’s nervous system. In the human body, the nervous system […]
August 31, 2021
Headache Specialist Doctor Indore,

Pain Behind The Eyes May Be A Migraine Headache – asianneurocentre.com

A headache is a pain that happens in any region of the head. The pain range is on the forehead, behind your eyes, or the neck […]
January 13, 2021
Which Food And Exercise is best for Epilepsy? | Dr. Navin Tiwa

How Food And Exercise Affect People with Epilepsy? | Dr. Navin Tiwari

Although we do not know all causes of epileptic seizures, many patients of epilepsy have managed to reduce their frequency of seizures by avoiding certain triggers.  […]